disses and comebacks

funny disses, great disses, good disses and more

1. you’re so ugly that when you saw a bunch of Chewbacca’s you just like (clap clap) I’m home.
2. You’re so fat you were in the genius’s world record book oh yeah wait you took up too much space

3. You’re so poor when I stepped on a penny your just like dude get off my paycheck.

4. You’re so poor that when I went over to your house I asked were is the washroom your just like three boxes to the left.

5. your so old you had Moses in your yearbook

6. Comeback: last time I heard that I was walking my pet dinosaur

7. You’re so stupid when you put batteries into butt your just like I got the power.

8. You’re so fat that when you put on a yellow jacket people yelled the sun’s falling

9. You’re so fat that when you put on a yellow jacket people yelled taxi

10. You’re so fat that when you put on a yellow jacket people yelled Jupiter

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